Sunday, August 15, 2010

Doo-da-doo life's good!

Doo-da-doo life's good! saying that phrase just makes you feel even better. Where as you woke up, went outside your house as the morning sunshine strikes you and as you smell the bloomfields and breeze outside your garden just makes you feel good and say that doo-da-doo life's good! having a venti-size-white mocha starbucks + shopping + good times will make me happy! I'm bubbly person, simple things makes me happy but also simple things makes me feel sad so easily but anyway, i don't wanna think about bad vibes I wanna be happy! Like what i said, i believe that the people who always smiles are the prettiest people. So come one, smile as if there's no tomorrow & think positive!

You know you love me,